Digital Marketing


Websites and social media accounts are often the first thing that potential customers see. Making these look their absolute best is essential to ensure that that first impression is a good one!

We complete a detailed report on where your business’ online platforms are falling down and where they can grow. This ensures that the business stays on top of trends, becomes more online- user friendly and increases traffic to your site.

Marketing Campaigns

Email us at enquiries@aokmentoring to find out more about our Digital Marketing Campaign creation and Management options.

Graphic Design

Allow us to bring your creative vision to life with our graphic design services. From leaflets to digital designs, we have you covered.

Contact us today for pricing and more information.

SEO Development

We work closely with business’ that want to see maximum SEO results.

Search Engine Optimization is all about content and key words which is exactly what we dedicate our time and attention to. Each website is completely unique, so we specify our SEO around you and what works for your business.

Social Media Management

Social Media is one of the best ways to market your business, considering that almost everyone has multiple social media accounts that they use every single day.

Social Media Marketing can be extremely time consuming since it is only truly effective when posting regular engaging content.

  • AOK takes that burden off of your hands and does all of this for you!

    • We create detailed content schedules to ensure that your accounts never look neglected and are staying relevant

    • Social Media Management

    • Competitors report